Samsung has unveiled the world's first smartphone with a curved display. Called the Galaxy Note Edge, an edge is what the device could give the company as competition in the smartphone and phablet space increases.
The Edge's 5.6-inch Quad HD display curves around the right-hand edge of the handset, and it becomes an extra mini-screen or info bar when some apps are in use. Samsung describes it as a "fresh new vision of what a screen could be."
example, when watching a video, the pause and skip buttons appear in
the curved element so the controls are accessible but don't interfere
with the moving image on the display.
area of the screen can also be used for quickly accessing other apps --
great for multitasking -- and can work as an information ticker of
alerts and notifications without encroaching on the main display. less
Away from the clever screen, the Edge has S-Pen input like the standard
Note phablet and is focused on multitasking and productivity as much as
getting to the next level of Candy Crush Saga.
On the rear side there's a 16 megapixel camera with image stabilization
and the ability to capture UHD footage; meanwhile the camera above the
display has an extra wide lens so that owners can take group-shot
selfies and make sure everyone gets in the shot.
Galaxy Note Edge will enable users to read incoming SMSes off the
smaller notification window while seamlessly checking their e-mail
messages off the main screen.
The Galaxy Note Edge will be available in black or white and will be available in in "select markets" later in 2014.
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